Tailors' Union

Dress Code

Dress Code

Visiting Tailors’ Union is the perfect time to approach your attire deliberately and with style! We understand the ever-changing seasonal fashion and we desire to maintain an environment of elegance and elite swag. We encourage smart casual and chic fashion.

Gentlemen are required to wear a collared shirt or sports jacket. No open-toe shoes or shorts for gentlemen.

Ladies, please be the classy and fabulous woman you are by keeping it sexy, appropriate, and tasteful.

We do not allow entry to anyone wearing ball caps, hoodies, flip flops, or athletic gear such as sweatpants, sweatsuits, t-shirts, and tank tops.

Prepare yourself for an experience and ambiance you fall in love with.

Dress Code Strictly Enforced


Look of Happy Customers

Visit us and don’t forget our dress code. Can’t wait to see you!

Examples of What Not to Wear


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